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40 something married for 20 years 7 children ages 2-23 youngest 4 adopted

Sunday, July 26, 2009

It's seems like forever since I felt like posting... or had time. Summer has been whirlwind. Our Arizona vacation was nice, it made me realize though my mom is getting older and slowing down. It made me see how much my son has grown and even though he has grown, he has so much more about life to learn. I wish he would fine that someone special that makes him complete. The life he's living right now, is a bit scary to me..... fun for him. Coming back to our sleepy little town to the friends, job, neighborhood , church we have here and I love dearly makes me a little sad at the thought that I really left home... and have no need or want to ever make AZ home again. There was a time in my life, I thought I would never leave it. Today my hear is heavy. I watched my husband drive out of the driveway with our Expedition full and a trailer in back of it full also. Full with my 19 yr old daughters belongings they are taking down to where she attends college. Our house will be emptied of her and her things and her new apartment will be filled. I'll miss the spaces she fills around here. I'll miss her friends coming over at inconvenient times. I'll miss the extra unplanned mouths to feed and more places needing to be set at the table.I'll miss her laugh, her smell, her! It's ironic that I am feeling so close to this town and finally dealing with the fact that it's my home now and she is at the stage in her life where she's trying to find herself and decide where her home may be. I just pray she finds happiness and peace within much sooner that her older brother who is still chasing his tail. The youngest of my biological children, will be 16 soon and driving. FREEDOM for her and more grey hairs for me. She is the most "home body" child of the three of them. I'm not sure if her driver's license will lead to her being gone as much. I just don't know why the sad, heavy heart today. I knew this day was coming. She's coming back later today, she won't be gone until next Friday. Every time one of my children leaves to start their way in this big world I feel uneasy. When they are close and I can see them, hear them and love them under one roof my heart is much happier. I know I have to trust that God will take care of them. No matter how my prayers for them come out, he has a plan and it will be filled. I have to pray for peace for my heart that they will be happy and safe.

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