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40 something married for 20 years 7 children ages 2-23 youngest 4 adopted

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Field Trips

Today was my daughter's field trip!! Hurray! We went to a puppet theater here in the KC area. It was a fun show. The bus ride however was NOT fun at all. The bus driver thought he was in the Indy 500........ The children were all trying to talk to the person farthest away from them....... The parents and teachers were calling for their fairy godmothers to take them away. The rain canceled our trip to the park, so we got to enjoy the cafeteria at the school! It was nice to see my child interact with her class mates. It was a nice trip. Now, I'm home alone and all I can find to do is clean. I'm really a sick person.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Monday Morning

Well.... home sick again. Again not me, my youngest Ali this time. We spent our Sunday morning in the ER of the closest hospital. She wasn't "right" when she got up. She was quiet( have you ever seen a quiet 2 yr old?) Not really acting like her normally bubbly self. When her lips started to look a little pale, off we went. I know my husband thought I was over reacting.... four tries at getting blood, one breathing treatment, and one chest x-ray later we find she has bacterial pneumonia. NO fever, NO cough! Just a crackle when she breathed and a high white blood cell count! She was given a heavy duty antibiotic shot to her skinny little thigh and another breathing treatment and we were on our way home. She's been in and out of the hospital since birth. Her first year of life was inside the hospital as much if not more than out of it. Her birth mom did her no favors while she was pregnant....long story. By the time she had her nap, the drugs kicked in and she was feeling much better!!! Now, she is jumping on the couch behind me and ignoring my requests to settle down please. I've had a request to watch Letter Factory.... off I go once again being bossed around by a 23 lb crazy haired girl!! I LOVE my life!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Weekend

Saturday... not a lot to do. Not a lot I want to do... many things I need to do. Started the day with laundry, with 5 kids in the house, it's a full time job. Sometimes I feel like movng to a nudest colony so there are never dirty clothes to sort, wash, dry, fold and put away only to find folded clothes back in the laundry room AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! I guess I should be happy my 18 yr old isn't home from college with her laundry,that really puts me behind.
Part of the problem is my 9 year old decides to keep all her dirty clothes on the floor in her room until she has NO clothes to wear! I guess the 5-6 steps it takes her to get to the laundry room is just too far to go on a daily basis.
Watching the NFL draft...kind of fun. What made it more fun was making my 15 year old so bored and angry that I was watching the tv and using the laptop at the same time she huffed off to the basement. She found her 6 yr old sister playing on that computer and the other two siblings watching the BIG tv!!! HA HA
She huffed into my romm (with the smallest tv) and slammed the door!!
Teenagers are so fun to mess with sometimes!
Havin' a bowl of cereal and watcing the news.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Home sick ~ not me, the boy!

Home from work today....sick kid. It really amazing I'm not home more with as many kids run around here on a daily basis. I can't believe how bored I am... really! I haven't stayed home for quite awhile. I've cleaned four bathrooms, the kitchen, my bedroom and the basement. I'm resisting the urge to clean bedrooms up stairs. I went to get the mail, and can't believe how quiet the cul-de-sac is. It's like a ghost town... totally different story at 4pm when all the children get home from school. Ok, back to surfin' the web and ignoring the three loads of laundry I've washed so far and need to be folded.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter! What a day ... rain... rain... and yes more rain! Hubby was workin' so we headed on over to T-Rex and had lunch with him. Everyone ate well and had fun! Oldest daughter headed back down to Springfield at MSU.. made it safe!

Monday, April 6, 2009

First Time

Not Sure why or how, but I'm going to try this bloggin' thing.

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