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40 something married for 20 years 7 children ages 2-23 youngest 4 adopted

Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday a new week... Thank God

I can't believe it's Monday again all ready. Where did the week go? What about the month? Last week was a blurr. D had a very bad week. Every time I turned around he had his hands in something he shouldn't (sometimes literally). In one day at school, he hit 3 people, hid from his teacher almost giving her a heart attack, jumped down the flight of stairs, almost hurting another child in the process. His a child with blocks, and a book. All because "He wanted to." The next day when he was supposed to be washing the 3" thick blanket of mud he had on his hands, he climbed up the bathroom counter, got his fathers electric razor, jumped down, and "made" his 2 year old sister shave his head. Yep, right down the middle.... All this took about 5 minutes..at the most! Then he tried to blame it on his sister that was at t-ball practice. I didn't think the week would end. Then Sunday came, and he has been in the best mood. Granted we're only 48 hours or so into the new week, but it's been a good 48 hours. K got her hair cut today, she likes it. I think we should have put more layers in it, but its her head. She likes it and it's easier to comb. A1 had pink eye on Sunday, our first ever round of pink-eye in the house. You'd think with 7 kids, we'd have dealt with it earlier....NOT! Lucky us! She's handling the drops like a trooper. A2 has not napped very well at school lately. She's sleeping about 45 minutes or so. Then she's crabby the rest of the day!! She's ready for bed by 7pm but that doesn't give us enough time for bath and breathing treatments. I've rambled, I think I'm done. G

1 comment:

  1. Hi. Was just surfing around some other blogs and I came across yours. I really like it. It's designed nicely too. I think I'll bookmark you for daily reading.

    If you're interested, I have a bloggy directory for mommies. You can find the linky on my bloggy, I won't spam you with it. LOL

    So yea, till I return!!


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