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40 something married for 20 years 7 children ages 2-23 youngest 4 adopted

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tuesday somehow it seems like it should be Friday all ready. I think for the ladt three weekends, someone has gotten sick and I've missed Monday's. Today I rented THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON from the Redbox. So far I love it. It's an interesting idea. Growing younger instead of older...all the knowledge of a life time when you're in your 20's. Interesting..... How many of us have said "If I knew then....." Being young with your children.... When do you tell your children "secrets" of life? Every family has a story, a secret, something difficult to discuss. In our family when to tell your children they're adopted was always "the" subject. It seems for some reason our 9 year old always knew. I think it's because she saw others coming and going while we were foster parents. Our 6 year old A knows she's adopted, but doesn't know her entire story. She has a younger sister, half sister, somewhere. We lost contact with her when her father got remarried and started his life over without any DFS interference. We don't know where they are. I feel terrible telling her only part of the story. I know all the questions she asks will be answered without any real answers. Some days I feel sorry for their mothers especially this time of year. Most of the time I am just thankful they're mine. Some days, like today they make me crazy and make me doubt. Tomorrow will be another day, new sun , new sky, fresh sleepy faces. It's always a new day, to start over and be thankful again. G

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog. It's good to "meet" you. I'll be sure and add you to my Google Reader. :-D


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