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40 something married for 20 years 7 children ages 2-23 youngest 4 adopted

Sunday, May 3, 2009

What a beautiful weekend it ended up being! The sun finally won it's fight with the clouds and rain and decided to shine on us. We spent most of the day at the park. My daughter K had a soccer game and my daughter A1 had her first t-ball practice. I've forgotten how funny t-ball can be. She celebrated after every catch of a ball. When she hit the ball off the tee, she'd watch it until it stopped then run!! Everyone had fun, parents and children enjoyed themselves. Come home to find out A2 had once again peed in her panties while playing outside. I don't think she tried to go in the potty today. That would have meant leaving the outside and coming in. She waited until someone tattled on her about the wet pants. My oldest daughter J was home for the weekend, well she was actually working. Her friends all came by for about an hour, I forgot how much I miss that. I miss her... I guess it's something I better get used to. I though having her leave would be a little easier than when my son left, but it's not. I have three years to brace myself for my daughter D to leave for college. We work to get them to 18, be independent, and strong. Then when they actually ARE, I mourn their leaving. I still have 5 children in my home, you'd think I could let two of them go more easily. Oh well........ Off to bed to sleep before my day starts again at 5:30am.

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